The precarity of youth: Entrepreneurship is not the solution

Published by MADA MASR

Nata nel 2013, Mada Masr è una rivista on-line di base al Cairo, che rivendica un giornalismo impegnato e indipendente, con inchieste, analisi, approfondimenti e articoli culturali pubblicati in inglese e in arabo. 

Qui una lucida analisi sulla precarietà dei più giovani in Nord Africa e Medio Oriente e sulle conseguenze negative della spinta all’imprenditoria giovanile, che implica aspettative distorte e aggrava la crisi economica. 


In 2011, the year people across the Arab world poured into the streets demanding bread, dignity and social justice, The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class, by labor economist Guy Standing, hit the stands. Though Standing’s work wasn’t informed by events in the region, his book on labor and life amid anxiety in the 21st century speaks more pointedly to the realities of many young people in the Middle East and North Africa than the much-anticipated 2016 Arab Human Development Report.

The term “precariat” is an aggregate of precarity and the proletariat, used to describe a group of people in society that experience what Standing refers to as the “four A’s” — anxiety, anomie, alienation and anger. Although a reality for men and women of all ages, Standing highlights the implications of this condition on young people in particular.